Sean Michael Downey &
Kelly Rose Sellwood
June 2nd, 2007
Yeah, we're married now!

About Us

We were going to write about ourselves but then we realized, that it would be much more fun to write about the other person...

;Picture of Sean Kelly's Description of Sean:
If you are looking for a body guard, someone who would gladly give his life for you, you need look no further than Sean Michael Downey... his number is (530) 555- 1077, his rates are very reasonable, and I would recommend him to anyone! : ) ... Sean lives his life to put a smile on your face. He is a determined man eager to love, work, or laugh with a variety of people. He has a vast range of 'being' which includes being with people, in the outdoors, and being a hard worker. His area of hard work devotion is currently with a small company that is showing substantial growth with the possibility of world domination... I am sure with great due respect to Sean himself. His positive outlook on life, his love for others and his utter determination to serve God makes him a man I will be honored to marry, one whom I will respect "for better or for worse, till death do us part".
Picture of Kelly

Sean's Description of Kelly:
She's a beautiful girl with a bright and positive outlook on life. Every time I see her she makes me smile. One of the things I love most is making her smile. She's someone who loves to have fun and enjoys spending time with other people. She has a heart for most anyone or anything, even her stuffed animals. She's had a few different career possibilities including: Teacher, Actress and Missionary. As of May she will have graduated from Woodbury University with a degree in communications and a emphasis in interdisciplinary studies. After we are married she will find work substitute teaching and eventually pursue her masters and become a full time teacher.